Ratatat Album booklet
This is a small booklet project I created for a band that I enjoy. The band's name is Ratatat, and the album name is Magnifique. Given the title's french nature, I thought it would be cool to carry that theme Through the booklet. The bird is symbolic to the band and is featured in a few of their music videos. If you look carefully, you'll see the wing is made up of the same parakeet for the feathers which actually follow the anatomy of the parakeet.

This image is the base of the next page which became the tracklist for the album.

Here is the track list page in its final form. I like how I was able to sucessfully remove the graphic on the billboard and make use of the transformation tools to put the track names in perspective as if they were written on the wall of the building. I'm also very proud of the cloning to place the ivy at the top.

This is a simple image that i started with for the base of a track featured page.

Completed below is the image I made for the song cream on chrome. I chose this method of display because their songs don't have any lyrics to make a lyrics page so this was the best solution. I like how the wildcat logo appears in the foam and the droplets appear to be resting on the table and dishes naturally.

This is the base image for my final track feature page.

After modification, this shows off the feel of the next song titled "Nightclub Amnesia" . Notable changes are the sign in the top center text is changed, a poster against the pole shows the two band members on it, the street name changed from Wilshire blvd to ratatat blvd, and lastly, there's the wildcat logo far off in the top left depicted as a neon sign.